contact us

  • +23412345678900
  • Mon - Sat: 9am to 6pm
  • Unlock Next Level
    Step into a world of innovation with our cutting-edge technology services that empower you to live smarter, more efficiently, and securely..
  • Smart Home
    Installation IOT
    Transform your home into a haven of convenience and efficiency with our professional smart home installation services..
  • Electric Vehicle
    Charging Station
    Step into a world of innovation with our cutting-edge technology services that empower you to live smarter, more efficiently, and securely.

About Company

Advancing Sustainable Solutions
For Tomorrow

Tim Technologies is at the forefront of innovation, offering solutions in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, smart home installations with IoT technology, a talent and job recruiting platform named Sky Search, and a mobile app-based transportation service. We aim to create a smarter, more sustainable future by facilitating the transition to clean energy, enhancing home automation and security, connecting skilled professionals with employers, and providing seamless commuting experiences.

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What We Do

Our Services

Welcome to the Future of Technology

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Electric Vehicle Charging Station


Charging Station

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Sky Search to match talents with jobs


Job Hires

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Book rides from one location to multiple destinations



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Smart Home Installation And Services


Smart Home

Building Sustainable


How Can We Help You?

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